P.O. Box 12654, Everett, WA 98206

50/50 Volunteer Signup

Sign up to volunteer to sell 50/50 tickets at the Everett Silvertips game!

Please read the below information and select the game you wish to volunteer. At this time, we are only allowing each group to request one game this season, as there are more requests than games available. Requesting a game is not guaranteed until you receive an email from YHPE confirming your date.

  1. To work 50/50 -Your organization will need to provide 7-8 Pairs of Volunteers for the night. Each pair will need at least one adult (parent, coach, or volunteer as long as they are 18 or older) as children are not permitted to handle money. This means for the night we need at least 7-8 adults and 7-8 children. Tickets are not required to get into the game.
  2. For the 50/50 Sales- You will need to submit a grant request to the Youth Hockey Partners of Everett. This form can be found on our website at https://yhpeverett.org/grant-request and should be filled out and emailed to me after your event. All requests are presented to the board for input and approval of the final donation amount. Please keep in mind the donation is not a set amount or exact percentage of the 50/50 totals that night. It will vary based upon your organization's overall effort during the night. Board meetings are typically held on the first Thursday of each month, once approved checks are sent following the monthly meeting.
  3. Arrival- We will need your team at the arena 2 hours prior to game start. Ticket sales continue through the 2nd Intermission. Once volunteers have turned in their buckets at the start of the 3rd period, they are welcome to enjoy the rest of the game!
  4. Accountability- We need a guarantee from your organization that you will be able to work the event. We’ve had a few groups cancel last-minute which puts us in a tough spot to make the most of the 50/50 raffle.
  5. COVID-19- All volunteers must comply with current arena covid guidelines. Currently there are no Covid-19 guidelines. Guidelines and The Everett Silvertips schedule is subject to change due to Covid-19.

All games have been booked.
Any cancellations will show as an available game, so please check back regularly.