P.O. Box 12654, Everett, WA 98206





POLICY I – Funds Distribution

EYHBC members who are EYH players that are in good standing with EYHBC and EYH on a 2016/17 family or Lifetime membership who register and pay for an Everett Youth Hockey or Everett Silvertips camp will receive a $40 subsidy which will be applied to your 2016/17 EYH registration fees.

EYHBC members who are EYH players that are in good standing with EYHBC and EYH on a 2016/17 AND 2015/16 family or Lifetime membership who register and pay for an Everett Youth Hockey or Everett Silvertips camp will receive a $120 subsidy which will be applied to your 2016/17 EYH registration fees.

EYHBC members who are EYH players that are in good standing with EYHBC and EYH on a 2015/16 AND 2016/17 family or Lifetime membership who register and pay for the Everett Silvertips camp will receive a $295 subsidy which will be applied to your 2016/17 EYH registration fees.

EYHBC members who are EYH players that are in good standing with EYHBC and EYH on a 2016/17 family or Lifetime membership who register and pay for the Everett Silvertips camp will receive a $100 subsidy which will be applied to your 2016/17 EYH registration fees.

EYHBC members who are EYH players that are in good standing with EYHBC and EYH but are not members of the EYHBC who register and pay for the Everett Silvertips camp will receive a $30 subsidy which will be applied to your 2016/17 EYH registration fees.

To be considered a member for the 2015/16 season you must be in good standing with the EYHBC and EYH and have a fully paid membership on or before April 23, 2016.

Membership for the 2016/17 season will begin no sooner than 24 April 2016

You must join the EYHBC prior to attending a camp's first session AND you must register to play with EYH by 1 July 2016 for the subsidy to be paid. The subsidy will be applied to your EYH account after 21 September 2016. Only one subsidy per player will be allowed.


POLICY II – Hardship Requests for "Tuition" Assistance


1. Purpose:  The purpose of this policy is to provide for a means by which individuals and families may apply to the Everett Youth Hockey Booster Club (EYHBC) for tuition assistance to pay for, based upon availability, in full, or in part, for funds to cover the cost of Everett Youth Hockey (EYH). 


2. Applicability:  This rule is intended as a means for EYHBC member families and individuals who would like to apply to register or are registered for Everett Youth Hockey, EYH Teams, be it Recreational, Tier, or Select. Tier 1 or AAA players are not eligible for tuition assistance.


This in no way is a guarantee.  Funds may only be disbursed if available.


3. Definitions:

A.  Qualifying for consideration: You must be an EYH player on an 8U or older team.


B. Tuition Assistance Awards: 

Recreational players up to $1050

“B” players up to $1240

“A” players up to $1500

…based upon articulated need and pending fund availability


C. Complete email correspondence: Includes from, to, date, time, subject, and a conclusion. 


D. Urgent Request: Means a request that is received by the EYHBC Director prior to the next regularly scheduled board meeting but the resources requested are needed prior to that board meeting.


E. Special Circumstances:  Special Appeals may be made by applicants due to special circumstances that they can articulate to the board in writing.


E. Letter of Application:

            1] A Letter, from an individual or family of a registered player or player who hopes to register with Everett Youth Hockey for either a full season, addressed to the Everett Youth Hockey Booster Club Board of Trustees requesting tuition assistance. This letter shall be written on the application form.

            2] The letter should state:

                        a. why tuition employment is requested

                        b. any extenuating circumstances

                        c. what part, if any, the applicant intends to pay of tuition

                        d. an agreement to provide the EYHBC with, at minimum of 25 hours of  “service” by a family member or members in a hockey season [August- March]

                        e. past hockey history either here or in another association and how present financial circumstances jeopardize continued involvement in the game of hockey.

            3] The applicant will submit a family budget outlining its normal monthly expenses.

            4] Applicants may, BUT ARE NOT REQUIRED TO, provide accompanying documentation of financial need to include:

                        a. statements from Employment Security

                        b. bank statements

                        c. income tax statements

                        d. paycheck stubs from employers

                        e. any other documents the applicant sees as supportive of his/her/their request.

                        f. Medicade slips

If applicants choose to submit personal documentation they MUST redact personal information such as dates of birth, social security numbers, bank account numbers, and other personal identifying information.  The intent here is to show need, not to infringe upon privacy.  All such information will be kept confidential.


F. Reasonable means that which a reasonable person would find acceptable.  The EYHBC Board of Trustees shall decide at the end of the application period.


G. Application Periods:

            a. June 1-September 1 (EYHBC Hardship Fund)

b. June 1-January 30 (Mike Ferraro Memorial Hardship Fund)


H. Applicants must be current EYHBC members and in good standing with the EYHBC and EYH.


4. Policy

A. It is the policy of the EYHBC that all requests for Tuition Assistance from all applicants and intended applicants of Everett Youth Hockey and EYH Teams, regardless of the level, be it Recreational, Tier, or Select must be in writing and made in a timely fashion during the application period.


B. Complete email correspondence is considered “in writing.”


C. All requests so made will be considered by at least a quorum of the Board of Trustees of the EYHBC. 


D. EYHBC Board of Trustees will normally act upon such requests at the August or September meeting.


E. If the request is “urgent” the EYHBC Board of Trustees may act upon the request via email.


F. If the Urgent Request is acted upon via email the email correspondence must be maintained and added to the minutes of the next board meeting.


G. While it is understood that hockey players often attend camps, schools, clinics, etc. it is the intention of the EYHBC Board of Trustees that “Tuition” for Hockey itself should come first.  It is expected that families applying for “tuition assistance” will exhaust whatever financial resources they can devote to tuition first prior to their application for tuition assistance.  Families’ individuals who may have expended resources on other hockey related activities may be questioned by the board, either by mail, email, or in person to explain their expenditures or how their circumstances have changed since expenditure of resources within a reasonable timeframe.  


H. The Board of Trustees will decide if the request is “reasonable”.  Reasonable requests should normally be granted if funds are available.


I. Denied requests will be documented in writing.


J. Upon being awarded Tuition Assistance the applicant is committing to 25 or 40 hours of volunteer service to the EYHBC depending on which fund the applicant is accepted to.


K. If volunteer hours are not worked; applicant is not eligible for Tuition Assistance in the future.


 5. Procedure


A. Any applicant or intended applicant of Everett Youth Hockey regardless of the level, be it Recreational, Tier, or Select may make requests of the EYHBC in accordance with the policy as set forth above.


 B. The Board of Trustees will consider all such requests at the next regularly scheduled board meeting or by email [as set forth above]


C. In the event the Board of Trustees rejects a request for resources the Board shall notify the requestor of its decision, in writing, at least.


D. Requests shall be made between June 1 and September 1 for the EYHBC Program and June 1 and January 30 for the Mike Ferraro Memorial Hardship Program.


E. Applicants may make application for part tuition if such is all is needed for assistance:

            a. example, applicant can pay for ¼, ½, â…“, etc, of the year’s “tuition”


I.               Other unplanned situations or eventualities


6. Availability of Funds:


A. Funds must exist in the designated “Tuition Assistance” account of the             EYHBC.  No funds, no tuition assistance.


B. All Tuition Assistance funds will be funded at the discretion of the EYHBC Board of Trustees.


7. Payment of Funds:


a. Tuition Assistance funds awarded will be paid directly to Everett Youth Hockey by the EYHBC.

b. Payments will be made in 3 installments to EYH.

i. Installments will be made at the EYHBC’s discretion and completed by December 31 unless extended in mutual agreement with EYH.

c. Tuition Assistance funds can be withheld or canceled if volunteer hours to the EYHBC are not being worked.

i. If volunteer opportunities are not available; this situation will be taken into account


8. Volunteer Hours:


a.     25 volunteer hours are mandatory upon receiving tuition assistance for the EYHBC Hardship program.

b.     40 volunteer hours are mandatory upon receiving tuition assistance for the Mike Ferraro Memorial Hardship program.

c.     Volunteer hours must be worked selling 50/50 tickets at an Everett Silvertips game. or an EYHBC event or an agreed upon, in writing, event.

i. Coaching or managing a team. Volunteering at EYH events or tournaments do not satisfy the volunteer hours’ requirement.

ii. Working the 50/50 at Everett Silvertips games does not satisfy the volunteer hours’ requirement if the group you are working with is receiving funds for their efforts.

d.     It may be acceptable upon, mutual agreement, to satisfy volunteer hours by                                                  working other EYHBC events or other events; however, this is not typical.

e.     Family members can work towards the required volunteer hours

f.      During volunteering the expectation is to put forth full effort for the event. The EYHBC reserves the right to dismiss volunteers who are not putting forth the effort or presenting themselves in a manner that is expected without credit for their volunteer hours.


9. Fund Types:


A. EYHBC Hardship Fund

* Funds up to 75% of your youth hockey fees
* Recreational, B and Tier II players are eligible
* Players from EYH are eligible
* Parents must commit to 25 Volunteer hours to the EYHBC

* Volunteer hours are worked selling 50/50 tickets at Everett Silvertips games
* Fund open June 1-September 1 so long funds are available.


B. Mike Ferraro Memorial Hardship Fund

* Funds up to 95% of your youth hockey fees
* Recreational and Tier II players are eligible
* Players from EYH are eligible
* Players must work hard, listen to their coach and play fair
* Parents must commit to 40 Volunteer hours to the EYHBC

* Volunteer hours are worked selling 50/50 tickets at Everett Silvertips games
* Player must write a letter to Mike Ferraro's father telling why they like playing hockey and what they hope to do with their life.

* Fund open June 1-January 30 so long funds are available.



POLICY III – Funding the Scholarship Fund

As of June 30 each year, the close of EYHBC’s fiscal year, 15% of net funds will be transferred to the scholarship fund.

100% of all funds obtained specifically for the Scholarship Fund or if the Everett Youth Hockey Booster Club is instructed by a donor that the money is for the Scholarship Fund, shall be used only for the Scholarship Fund.


POLICY IV – Hardship Equipment Purchases

Not available at this time


POLICY V – EYHBC Membership (Membership committee)

Please see the Join page for details - http://eyhbc.org/join/index/


POLICY VI – Business Sponsorships (Sponsorship committee)


Hall of Fame ($2,000)

  • Logo on all "Walkers" used at the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on dasher board of the CCIR with other sponsors
  • Table sponsorship (1) at EYHBC annual dinner and auction
  • Logo on "Support our Sponsors" banner in the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on sponsor page of eyhbc.org with link to your business web site
  • 1/4 page ad in the player program
  • Two (2) business card ads in the player program
  • Business card ad in dinner and auction program
  • Plaque to display at sponsor’s business

All-Star ($1,500)

  • Logo on ten (10) "Walkers" used at the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on dasher board of the CCIR with other sponsors
  • Table sponsorship (1) at EYHBC annual dinner and auction
  • Logo on "Support our Sponsors" banner in the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on sponsor page of eyhbc.org with link to their business web site
  • Two (2) business card ads in the player program
  • Business card ad in the dinner and auction program
  • Plaque to display at sponsor’s business

Hat Trick ($1,000)

  • Logo on five (5) "Walkers" used at the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on dasher board of the CCIR with other sponsors
  • Logo on "Support Our Sponsors" banner in the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on sponsor page of eyhbc.org with link to your business web site
  • Two (2) business card ads in player program
  • Business card ad in the dinner and auction program
  • Plaque to display at sponsor’s business

Goal! ($750)

  • Logo on dasher board of the CCIR with other sponsors
  • Logo on "Support Our Sponsors" banner in the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on sponsor page of eyhbc.org with link to your business web site
  • Business card ad in the player program
  • Business card ad in the dinner and auction program
  • Plaque to display at sponsor’s business

Assist ($500)

  • Logo on "Support our Sponsors" banner in the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on sponsor page of eyhbc.org with link to your business web site
  • Business card ad in the player program
  • Plaque to display at sponsor’s business


POLICY VII – Corporate Sponsorships (Sponsorship committee)


Ultimate EYHBC Sponsor - $10,000

  • Headline display at the EYHBC annual dinner and auction with a 6’ banner of your logo
  • Logo on marquee on Comcast Arena as a sponsor for the EYHBC annual dinner and auction two weeks prior to event
  • 8' Logo ad on dasher board at the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on all "Walkers" used at the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Ten table sponsorships (10) at EYHBC annual dinner and auction
  • Logo on "Support our Sponsors" banner in the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Ad on front page of EYHBC.org with link to company web site
  • Logo on sponsor page of eyhbc.org with link to your business web site
  • Full page ad in player program
  • Two (2) business card ads in the player program
  • Full page ad in the dinner and auction program
  • Two (2) business card ads in dinner and auction program
  • Plaque to display at sponsor’s business

Platinum - $5,000

  • 4' Logo ad on dasher board at the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on all "Walkers" used at the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Five table sponsorships (5) at EYHBC annual dinner and auction
  • Logo on "Support our Sponsors" banner in the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Ad on front page of EYHBC.org with link to company web site
  • Logo on sponsor page of eyhbc.org with link to your business web site
  • 3/4 page ad in player program
  • Two (2) business card ads in the player program
  • 1/2 page ad in the dinner and auction program
  • Two (2) business card ads in dinner and auction program
  • Plaque to display at sponsor’s business

Gold - $3,500

  • 4' Logo ad on dasher board at the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on all "Walkers" used at the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Two table sponsorships (2) at EYHBC annual dinner and auction
  • Logo on "Support our Sponsors" banner in the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on sponsor page of eyhbc.org with link to your business web site
  • 1/2 page ad in the player program
  • Two (2) business card ads in the player program
  • Business card ad in dinner and auction program
  • Plaque to display at sponsor’s business

Silver - $2,500

  • Logo on all "Walkers" used at the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on dasher board of the CCIR with other sponsors
  • Two table sponsorships (2) at EYHBC annual dinner and auction
  • Logo on "Support our Sponsors" banner in the Comcast Community Ice Rink
  • Logo on sponsor page of eyhbc.org with link to your business web site
  • 1/4 page ad in the player program
  • Two (2) business card ads in the player program
  • Business card ad in dinner and auction program
  • Plaque to display at sponsor’s business



POLICY VIII – P.A.S.S. Program (Academics committee)

Not available at this time


POLICY IX – Volunteering for EYHBC

Everyone is welcome to volunteer their time to the Everett Youth Hockey Booster Club. Preferred volunteers will be actual members of EYHBC who are paid in full and in good standing. These people will be given first priority to volunteering their time. If a non-member would like to volunteer their time they absolutely must sign a waiver form prior to doing any type of volunteer work for the Everett Youth Hockey Booster Club.

POLICY X - Non-Cash Gift Acceptance

The Everett Youth Hockey Booster Club will accept contributions of unrestricted gifts, and gifts for specific programs and purposes, provided that such gifts are not inconsistent with the Everett Youth Hockey Booster Club’s stated mission, purposes, and priorities. The Organization will not accept gifts that are too restrictive in purpose. Gifts that are too restrictive are those that violate the terms of the corporate Mission Statement, gifts that are too difficult or costly to administer, or gifts that are for purposes outside the mission of the Organization. The Board of Trustees shall make all final decisions on the restrictive nature of a gift, and its acceptance or refusal.

Acceptable contributions of real property; conservation easements; closely held securities; intellectual property such as patents, trademarks, and copyrights; works of music or art; licenses; royalties; automobiles, boats, planes, or other vehicles; or collectibles of any type should be converted to cash at The Board of Trustees' earliest convenience.

Gifts of real estate, personal property, equipment and other in-kind items will be assessed at fair market value (FMV).  Documentation of gifts at FMV must be provided to comply with IRS rules and guidelines and to insure accurate records and asset control. The donor should furnish the fair market value of a non-cash gift. For gifts valued at $5,000 or higher a written certification by a qualified appraiser may be required in accordance with IRS regulations (Form 8283).

POLICY XI - Confilct of Interest

Whenever a member of the Board of Trustees or officer has a financial or personal interest in any matter coming before the Board of Trustees, the board shall ensure that:

The interest of such Board of Trustee(s) member is fully disclosed to the Board of Trustees.

No interested officer or Board of Trustees member may vote or lobby on the matter or be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at the meeting of the Board of Trustees, for the vote in question, at which such matter is voted upon.

Any transaction in which a Board of Trustees member or officer has a financial or personal interest shall be duly approved by members of the Board of Trustees not so interested or connected as being in the best interests of the organization.

Payments to the interested officer or Board of Trustees member shall be reasonable and shall not exceed fair market value.

The minutes of meetings at which such votes are taken shall record such disclosure, abstention, and rationale for approval.


POLICY XII - Requests for Resources

1. Purpose:  The purpose of this policy is to provide for a means by which organizations identified by EYHBC as qualifying may make requests of Resources to EYHBC.

2. Applicability:  This rule is intended for all Everett Youth Hockey, EYH Teams, and Coaches regardless of the level, be it House, Tier, or Select.

3. Definitions:

A.  Qualifying Organization: all Everett Youth Hockey, EYH Teams, and Coaches regardless of the level, be it House, Tier, or Select.
B. Resources:  Money, equipment, equipage, manpower, materials, or any other specific item requested.
C. Complete email correspondence: Includes from, to, date, time , subject, and a conclusion.
D. Urgent Request: Means a request that is received by the EYHBC Director prior to the next regularly scheduled board meeting but the resources requested are needed prior to that board meeting.

4. Policy

A. It is the policy of EYHBC that all requests for resources from all Everett Youth Hockey, EYH Teams, and Coaches regardless of the level, be it House, Tier, or Select must be in writing and made in a timely fashion.
B. Complete email correspondence is considered “in writing.”
C. EYHBC Board will normally act upon such requests at the next regularly scheduled board meeting.
D. If the request is “urgent” the EYHBC Board may act upon the request via email.
E. If the Urgent Request is acted upon via email the email correspondence must be maintained and added to the minutes of the next board meeting.

4. Procedure

A. Any Everett Youth Hockey, EYH Teams, and Coaches regardless of the level, be it House, Tier, or Select may make requests of EYHBC in accordance with the policy as set forth above.
B. In the event the board rejects a request for resources the board shall notify the requestor of its decision, in writing, at least.


POLICY XIII - EYHBC 50/50 Policy

1. Purpose:   This policy is intended to establish guidelines for the Administration of the 50/50 Raffle by the EYHBC at Everett Silvertips Hockey Games.

2. Applicability:  This Policy is intended for the EYHBC, all EYH Teams and Coaches regardless of the level, be it House, Tier, or Select, and all EYHBC members involved in the Administration of the 50/50 Raffle.

3. Definitions:

A. 50/50 Administrator: Individual appointed by the EYHBC Board to oversee and execute the Administration of the 50/50 Raffle on behalf of the EYHBC.

B. 50/50 Administrative Assistants:  Appointed by 50/50 Administrator.  50/50 Administrator may delegate powers to these people.  There may be no more than 2 such assistants at each time. 

C. Team:  Any Everett Youth Hockey Team

D. Other Entity: Any group or group of individuals granted permission to participate in the 50/50 Raffle Program [allied groups, other charitable groups] “For Profit” groups and individuals are not eligible.

E. Event: Any event in which 50/50 Raffle Tickets are sold. 

4. Policy

A. 50/50 Administrator

1. 50/50 Administrator [Hereafter known as Admin] will be appointed by the EYHBC Board.

2. Termination:

a. The Admin may be relieved by the EYHBC Board of his/her duties with no notice given. The Admin should be given two weeks’ notice in writing or by email prior to termination.

3. Responsibilities:

a. The Admin is responsible for the Administration of the 50/50 Raffle and for adherence to this policy by those compensated by the EYHBC Board.

b. The Admin must report to the EYHBC Treasurer the total receipts and disbursements to all parties within 24 hours of each 50/50 event.

c. The Admin is responsible to see that all parties with legitimate claims to 50/50 proceeds receive their proper disbursements. 


a. The Admin is empowered to legally and economically make the 50/50 Raffle work and be profitable. To that end he/she may make decisions on how the 50/50 Raffle is executed to include promotions, work assignments, date assignments to participating teams, and all other such powers as to make the 50/50 Raffle economically viable. 


6. Accountability:

a. The Admin is accountable to the EYHBC Board.

b. The Admin will make themselves available and regularly report to the EYHBC Treasurer on the progress of program.

c. The Admin may exercise the powers listed in A.5.a without first seeking the approval of the EYHBC Board

d. The Admin is encouraged to consult and inform the EYHBC on reasonably important matters of program execution.

7.Intent of Section:

a. It is the intent of this section that the EYHBC Board Oversee the Admin, however the EYHBC Board should not “Micro-manage” the Admin.  The Admin will plan and execute the program and report on its progress to the EYHBC Board. 

 B.  Team and Other Entity Participation:

1. All EYH Teams formed prior to 10-14-2013 are eligible to participate.  Allied Teams are also eligible. EYHBC partners are also available

a. Team manager has until 15 days before assigned game to submit roster to the 50/50 Admin or Assistant. “Fill in” players will be assigned if unable to reach 12 sellers/players and 12 supervisors/parents. Once filled in players are assigned they will not be removed

i. This is due to the fact that a guest list needs to be submitted to the Silvertips for guest services to allow entry into game, teams can trade dates if needed, but must be done 15 days before assigned game

b. EYHBC will attempt to schedule all events well before the 15 day time period to submit names of parents and players.

c. Game dates may be traded as long as interference does not interfere with the submission of seller/supervisor name submittal dates.

d. Playoff games will be staffed at EYHBC’s discretion.

2. If a team opts out of participating in the fundraiser, that game will be forfeited to the EYHBC and distributed at the EYHBC’s discretion


8.  Parental Participation:

 a. Each team participating group should provide at least 12 minors and 12 Adults 21 years or older

b. Groups selling tickets should be 1 parent and 1 player working together as a pair.  

c. Departure from this formula will be at the discretion of the Administrator. 

d.  Conduct while at game:

e. 50/50 fund raising events requires the utmost professionalism and asks kids are supervised at all times and are dressed in clean non-tattered clothing. All are required to wear nice shoes, pants and shirts. Collared is preferred. No track suits, tattered clothes, clothes with holes in them or hats are allowed.

f. Players and Parents need to arrive at the specified time designated for their particular date (for training, direction etc.) If late, without notice, a fill in will be assigned to fill vacant spot, once the  spot is filled it will not be rescinded.

g. Players and Parents working the event that night may not purchase tickets during the event they are working. 

9. Disbursements:

1. Order of Disbursements: 50/50 funds will be disbursed in the following order of priority:

a. 50/50 Winner for the night in question

b. Any fees, rents, or other agreed upon claims by renting facility or Everett Silvertips


2. Formula for disbursement [100% total]

a. Winner 50%

b. Fees:

c. Everett Silvertips

d. EYHBC Whatever is left

 e. This fund will be a “slush fund” for EYHBC to pay for shortages as outlined in “d”.  It will also accumulate money in this fund to support future costs/expenses for the 50/50 in future years.

ii. EYHBC will use these funds as it sees fit to promote Everett Youth Hockey and other initiatives 

D. EYHBC Treasurer

a. Will establish a separate account for 50/50 proceeds deposited.

b. Will receive 50/50 proceeds from this fund and deposit them into “General Fund”



Fundraising and Donations


1. Purpose:  The purpose of this policy is to provide direction for fundraising and donation endeavors with the Everett Youth Hockey Booster Club (EYHBC)

2. Applicability:  This policy is intended for representatives of the EYHBC participating in fundraising or donating to the EYHBC.

3. Definitions:

A.  Fundraising: Taking part in an EYHBC organized or subsidized event including using the EYHBC’s tax exempt status or EYHBC provided items.

B. Donating: Donations in the form of cash, gifts in kind, matching funds, time or matching time.

C. Representatives:  Anyone involved with an EYHBC fundraising or donation event, act or endeavor.

4. Policy

A. It is the policy of the EYHBC to support groups, teams or people in their fundraising efforts. 10% of all fundraising efforts are due to the EYHBC unless otherwise stated in this policy or approved by the Director of the EYHBC. These funds are to help with administration of the organization, any possible taxes and the general fund and operation of the organization.

1) Brown Bear Car Wash Tickets Sales

a. Brown Bear Car Wash Tickets that are provided by the EYHBC for selling are to be sold at the rate of $6.00 each or as low as 4 for $20. For each ticket that is sold, the EYHBC will receive $3.00, the seller retains anything above this amount.

b. Brown Bear Car Wash Tickets that are to be sold at EYHBC organized selling events in partnership with the Washington State Ferry System will be sold at the rate of $6.00 each or as low as 4 for $20. For each ticket that is sold, the EYHBC will receive $3.00, the seller retains anything above this amount. At the end of the event it is required to return the cash and unsold tickets as soon as possible. All rules provided by Washington State Ferries must be complied with.

c. Brown Bear Car Wash Tickets that are purchased by individuals may sell them for any amount they like but it is strongly encouraged to sell them for the same pricing as listed above to maintain an even continuity amongst EYHBC coordinated efforts.


B. It is the policy of the EYHBC to support groups, teams or people in their efforts to garner donations.

1) Cash donations with restrictions

a. 10% of any funds donated, with a cap of $250.00, may be retained by the EYHBC on funds donated via a corporate matching gift.

b. 10% of any funds donated, with a cap of $250.00, may be retained by the EYHBC on funds donated via a private person.

2) Volunteer match donations with restrictions

a. 20% of any funds donated, with a cap of $500.00, may be retained by the EYHBC on funds donated via a corporate matching gift.